A mad rush
In a mad rush that’s left me exhausted, I spent the last 3.5 hours inputing all the handwritten changes I made to my 610 page novel in the readthrough I finished last night. Yes, of all my readthroughs so far, this one had the fewest changes (progress!), but it was still a lot to get through.
When I edit, I read my work out loud. I catch a lot more errors but it takes a lot longer. My goal for this weekend is to read the whole novel (silently) to get a better idea of flow than I did reading a handful of chapters in evenings spread across many weeks.
Here’s a question I’ve had for myself for a while regarding a chapter in my novel, one I think must sound worse in probably every other context:
Is this person necessary?
Yes, that’s literally a typed note about a character. A character that clearly may not survive the writing process.