Zombies, Oh My!
First Sentences,  Random Ramblings

All we want to do is eat your brains

So much more shredding today. Past Erika, why didn’t you shred these documents as you went? Do better next time!

Today’s First Sentence is probably as close as I’m going to get to writing about zombies. It’s from 2/19/2013:

People ask what your plan is for the zombie apocalypse, if you’ve thought about what people you’d want with you or where you’d go. All of this ignores the most important question: would you want to survive a zombie apocalypse?

I’m really not into zombies so I don’t know where the above came from, or if it’s even true. For all I know, it gets asked all the time if people would want to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Hmm. The more I think about the random zombie First Sentence, the more I think my friend Andrew was in some way responsible. Him and the song I got this post’s title from, a song I probably never would have heard without Andrew, and one that I certainly heard a lot because of him.

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